What is Time To Live (TTL)?

Time To Live TTL

What is TTL?

Time To Live (TTL) sounds like a horror movie, but luckily it is not related to people. It is the value that shows how long the information should be kept in a particular device. There are many pieces of data that have their own TTL value. Here we will see DNS TTL and CDN TTL. 

When we are talking about DNS TTL, it is related to the time that the DNS resolvers must keep the DNS records in their cache. Each of the DNS records will have its TTL value. There are some with longer TTL because there is less chance that the value will change and others with shorter TTL value, where there are often changes. 

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DNS propagation explained

DNS propagation

Imagine this situation. You have finally decided to truly manage your DNS. You have selected a DNS service provider, you have created master and secondary zones, and you have added all the DNS records that you will need. You spend a lot of time and effort. And after everything is ready, you want to check and… there are no changes! Don’t worry. The DNS propagation takes time.

What is DNS propagation? 

It is a process to update the changes that you make in your DNS. After editing or creating new DNS records, they are saved in the authoritative DNS nameserver. That is ok, but what about all the rest of the DNS name servers? The cache memory of the recursive DNS servers will still keep the older versions of the DNS records based on their TTL value.
The DNS propagation is the time it will take to propagate, to update the changes to all of the recursive name servers.

4 factors that affect the DNS propagation speed

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The Best Places to Buy a Domain Name

buy domain name

If you already got the ideal domain name for your website, it’s time to register it! 

The process is easy, but you have to pick a registrar company to do it. Which one to choose is the first decision to be taken.

How to pick a domain name registrar? Tips

  • Check carefully TLDs prices (.com, .org, .net, .de). TLDs have different costs among them, and registrars also charge them differently.
  • Verify the initial price but also renewals. 
  • Understand the prices and conditions in case you want to take your domain to a different company.
  • Most web hosting companies also register domains. If you have thought already about a specific hosting provider, take a look at its prices and plans. Sometimes if you host your website, the register goes for free, at least the first year.
  • Check what kind of support the registrar offers. 

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CAA record explained 

CAA record explained

CAA record is a DNS record that shows who can be the Certification Authority for a particular domain and issue certificates.

What is Certificate Authority (CA)?

The CA is the entity that has the right to issue certificates like SSL certificates or TLS certificates. You can easily identify the CA, based on their name and their certificate revocation list (CRL). The Certificate Authority must provide a public key or a certificate from their CA if it is subordinate.

What is the CAA record?

The CAA record (Certification Authority Authorization) is a DNS record that a domain name owner can use to specify the certificate authority which can issue for their domain name. Inside the CAA, the domain owner can adjust the settings that cover the whole domain or just particular subdomains.

If you manage the CAA on a domain level, it will automatically apply on the subdomain level, too, unless you set it inside the record.

The CAA work with both wildcard certificates and single-name certificates. Separate and together too.

Why do you need to use DNS CAA record?

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Error 502 – How to fix it?

Error 502 - How to fix it?

Maybe it has happened to you while browsing, or users have reported they can’t access your website. The only thing they see is an Error 502 message. How can you fix error 502?

What is Error 502?

It is a HTTP status code that points to a server communication problem. A server (acting as a proxy) got not response or got an invalid response from another server (origin or upstream server).

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Vanity name server (DNS branding) – Why use it?

Vanity name server (DNS branding)

Did you know that there is a DNS service that allows you to put your custom DNS branding on the name servers the DNS provider offers? With DNS branding, you can put the name of a domain you own instead of the names that come by default, like ns1.DNSprovider.com, and be changed to ns1.YourDomain.com.

Why would you want to use Vanity name server? 

What is a Vanity name server (DNS Branding)?

DNS Branding offers vanity name servers that are name servers that you can put a custom name on them instead of the DNS provider’s default name. You can put your own domain name, hide the DNS provider, and have a better brand image. 

Benefits of DNS branding

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